Monday, November 3, 2014

Music Monday | Nov. 3 | Chet Faker

I've had a really hard time writing this weeks MM, everything felt forced and nothing felt genuine which is something that I never want to happen. I don't want to write posts because I feel like I have to, in a way this is my art I want to write posts because I am inspired. This blog focuses around music and fashion and beauty because those are the things that inspire me. My number one inspiration (when it comes to fashion and sometimes beauty) is music, music has always inspired how I dressed which is why I thought music Monday would fit in nicely. 
Anyway so I was thinking after trying and failing to write about three separate artists, why am I trying to force new artists on myself? Let's talk about music staples that are the equivalent to a pair of black ankle boots for me. 
I've been listening to Chet Faker since I think the end of last year I found him through finding Flume's music, I was instantly hooked. The music is just so cool (I feel like I say that all the time but like it's true) and it's the type of music to put you in whatever mood you need to be put in, whether you need to calm down or get hyped up, either way this music will do it for you. 


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